Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"The Future is as Bright as Your Faith"

To say that I was disappointed last night would be obvious. Nearly in tears, I tried to remind myself as I usually do that it was just one election. It was just 4 years. What real impact would it have on my life? However, this self-talk didn’t work as well as it once did. Forgive my ranting, but as I get closer and closer to being a “real” adult and getting a “real” grown-up job, I have to wonder – will there be a job for me to get? I know that I have talent, skills, and a good head; but where will that get me if there is no opportunity? Will I be able to put my husband through school as he has for me? We don’t want the government to pay for college. We just want jobs so that we can work through it! We don’t want government to provide healthcare – we want jobs so we can pay for and choose our own. How can we raise children in this economy and society? What happened to America, the land of opportunity?

I know in my heart that we are all in God’s hands, but I have to wonder what his plan is. Why has he given me a heart and mind for politics if I will always be pushing at a wall? If, in these latter-days, our country will just keep getting more corrupt, what is the point of fighting it? It was hard to get to sleep.

Gratefully, this morning I was reminded of a quote from Thomas S. Monson, the President of the LDS Church and our Prophet. He said, “The future is as bright as your faith.”

“Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us. My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.” (Be of Good Cheer by Pres. Thomas S. Monson, Ensign May 2009)

God never promised us that we would win, but he did ask us to fight the good fight.  So we will press on in faith, not knowing the end, but knowing the path God would have us tread. 

I know I have LDS friends who are Democrats, and for them I am happy this morning. They fought for what they believed in and have received a reward. I can only hope the leaders we have elected will lead our nation in good paths. 

As for me, I will put my faith and my future in God’s hands. He knows what he has in store for me and my family and his love and guidance are all I can really ask for. I thank God for a living prophet and the hope that he has restored to me.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your meaning perfectly. I had a rough night that night as well. I barely kept from crying the next morning in seminary. What comforted me, though, was the Spirit I felt. I have no doubt that Heavenly Father knew my thoughts and feelings and was there to lift me up. He took the burden and reminded me that He is in charge. Like you, I realized that the end doesn't matter so much as fighting now for what we believe. God has a plan, and we have to remember that we have faith in Him. Whether it's an election, or anything else. Win or lose. I will follow Him. Because that is the only way I, for one, am going to make it through this.
