Yesterday, I re-discovered the public library. It was the first time since before I went to college. It was AMAZING! I went in, showed my ID and a piece of mail with my address, and I got a FREE library card. Then I went to the computer, found the code for the book I wanted, and checked it out. The book I have been wanting to read for a month was in my hands for a period of three weeks all for free! Y'all - this is really cool. Do you know what a gold mine of information and learning is at the public's fingertips??
In a wave of TEA Party and Libertarian thinking, I think some of us conservatives really lose sight of all the good things our government can do. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not too pleased with much of our government, right now (Don't even get me started on the NSA and Edward Snowden). However, I'm going to go out on a limb and argue that taxes aren't evil.
When I was was working as an intern in the state legislature, I really grew to appreciate that everything costs money. If every citizen had to try to balance the state budget, maybe they wouldn't complain so much. There are many, many things our tax dollars go to that I would cut off immediately, if I could. However, the price tag of just one public university classroom building was almost $50 million dollars. Not to mention the faculty, staff, maintenance, student financial aid, etc. Are we ready to charge our college students what an average private university costs in tuition? Let me give you a few more things to think about: what about the salaries of judges, teachers, police officers, driver's license clerks, librarians, maintenance crews, and all the buildings that house their schools and offices? What about emergency equipment? That's pretty pricey. What about our legislators' and government officials' salaries? Believe it or not, these people have to be paid - if they weren't, then only very wealthy people could afford to hold office. What about elections? That foundation of democracy can cost a lot of money to local governments.
I just don't want us to forget the amazing things that make America... America. As a conservative, I still believe that the vast majority of the time, things are done best by the private sector. However, our nation, communities, and society are great because everyone - Everyone!! - has an opportunity. Government should not do everything. However, it should provide free public education. It should make sure that every single community in this very large nation has good schools, roads and infrastructure, postal service, a library and public meeting space, and public safety and emergency personnel. It should make sure that no person is left on the side of the road dying because of an inability to pay. If that means they take money out of my paycheck, fine.
The other day, I was at a public function where they asked everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance. In the midst of Edward Snowden's revelations, I kind of wondered why I was doing it. Now I remember. I'm not pledging allegiance to a corrupt government with secretive officials that make awful decisions. I am pledging allegiance to my country and her flag. Because America is Great.
A discussion of the intersection of LDS (Mormon) Doctrine, Politics, and Women's Issues.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
LDS Women's Leaders Share Experiences with the Priesthood
I'm preparing a Sunday School Lesson on Church Councils and consulted this video one more time - I've watched it at least three times now. It is such a wonderful glimpse of the work of women in the church. It is simply rich with stories, experiences, and simple doctrines taught by our General Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary Presidents. I just wanted to share it with you:
Top Mormon Women Leaders Provide Their Insights into Church Leadership
Top Mormon Women Leaders Provide Their Insights into Church Leadership
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